What are a computer and its components?
The word computer comes from the word “Compute” which means to calculate. So the computer is normally considered to be a calculating device that can perform arithmetic operations with high speed. (Here you can Find Lot of Computer Solved MCQs for Competitive Exams in Pakistan).
How we can Define a Computer?
The computer is an electronic data processing machine that accepts data in the form of raw and facts and processes this data according to the set of instructions and gives output to the user in the form of information.
Components of a Computer
Basically, the computer consists of two main components and further these components are divided into various parts.
Two Basics Components of a computer:-
> Hardware Components
> Software Components.
Hardware Components:
The components that can be touched and seen are called hardware components. The following are the hardware components of a computer system.
Motherboard: It is also called the system board. It consists of an IC Chip, memory chip, I/O Controller, expansion slots, and no. of logic circuits.
Central Processing Unit: It is also called a CPU. The CPU consists of two parts i.e. Control unit and the Arithmetic and Logic Unit.
Input Devices: The devices which are used to give input to the computer are called input devices. For example Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Joystick, and Trackball.
Output Devices: The devices which are used to produce output are called Output devices. Examples of output devices are Monitor, Printer, Plotter, and Projector.
Memory Devices: These devices are used to store instructions and results. The are various memory devices. The basic memory devices are primary memory, Secondary memory, and cache memory
Peripheral Devices: The devices which are not part of the computer architecture and used to enhance the capability of a computer are called peripheral devices. For example, Microphone.
Software Components
These are a set of instruction that governs the operations of a computer system. The software components are divided into three parts as follows:
- System Software
- Application Software
- Utility Software.
I hope this will help you to understand the basics of what is a computer and its components.
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